With technology produced by Chinese wage-slaves, the digital revolution has renewed the question of how we want to live and work in the future. Among the beneficiaries of the digital revolution, however, there is a war of the worlds: The printed word is fighting back against the real-time digital noise, file sharers are outlawed, while civil rights activists want to prevent the transparent citizen and copyright holders want to earn cash.
Today, it will be decided, what will become of the digital revolution, if it can redeem its democratic promise in a context highly distorted by political and commercial interests. "The digital shift" suggests glades into the thicket of prevailing arguments and makes necessary repairs. An ongoing survey.
Die digitale Revolution erneuert die Frage, wie wir in Zukunft leben und arbeiten wollen mit von chinesischen Lohnsklaven produzierter Technologie. Unter den Nutznießern hingegen herrscht ein Krieg der Welten: Das gedruckte und durchfinanzierte Wort wehrt sich gegen den digitalen Echtzeitrausch, Filesharer wollen keine Diebe sein, Bürgerrechtler keine gläsernen Bürger und Urheber wollen keine Umsonstmentalität.
Heute entscheidet sich, was aus der digitalen Revolution wird, welche ihrer demokratischen Versprechen sie in dem hochgradig von politischen und geschäftlichen Interessen verzerrten digitalen Raum tatsächlich einlösen kann. „Die digitale Verwerfung“ schlägt Lichtungen ins Dickicht der vorherrschenden Argumentationen und leistet notwendige Reparaturen. Eine laufende Bestandsaufnahme.
With technology produced by Chinese wage-slaves, the digital revolution has renewed the question of how we want to live and work in the future. Among the beneficiaries of the digital revolution, however, there is a war of the worlds: The printed word is fighting back against the real-time digital noise, file sharers are outlawed, while civil rights activists want to prevent the transparent citizen and copyright holders want to earn cash.
Today, it will be decided, what will become of the digital revolution, if it can redeem its democratic promise in a context highly distorted by political and commercial interests. "The digital shift" suggests glades into the thicket of the prevailing arguments and makes necessary repairs. An ongoing survey.